A Prime Mover is an impulse to act. It is the giant machinery of environment, technology, history, sensations and dreams that we are a part of. The audience enters a breathing universe with no beginning and no real end, where play and seriousness merge, where thought and movement are the same.
– May I lay my heart at your feet?
– Only if you don’t make a mess on the floor.
In Prime Mover Roosna & Flak deal with movement as cause and effect, freedom and inevitability.
Authors-directors: Külli Roosna, Kenneth Flak
Choreographer: Külli Roosna, Kenneth Flak in collaboration with dancers
Performers: Isabell Bartnes Johansen, Kenneth Flak, Külli Roosna, Rakesh Sukhesh
Sound designer: Kenneth Flak, Külli Roosna
Software development: Kenneth Flak
Light design and technical director: Thomas Dotzler
Dramaturge and rehearsal director: Thomas Falk
Software mentor: Marije Baalman
Production: Külli Roosna, Kenneth Flak
Photographer: Tiit Lukk
Co-production: Bærum Kulturhus/Regional Arena for Samtidsdans, Endla Teater, Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava, Scenekunst Sør
Supported by: Norwegian Arts Council, The Audio and Visual Fund, Eesti Kultuurkapital, Pärnu Municipality, Kristiansand Municipality, Vest-Agder Province
Duration: 60 min
Premiere: 11.10.18 Bærum Kulturhus