Mondo exhibition We Only Have One Planet
The climate has changed throughout the world’s existence, but … scientists are 99.9% sure that the major changes of recent decades are caused by humans. While climate change affects all of us, the ones who suffer the most are communities that are already more vulnerable. Nations living in the equator area are under special pressure, as rising temperatures result in loss of land, heat waves, droughts and storms, making the living environment harsh and even uninhabitable. Extreme weather conditions are destroying farmlands and homes and putting people living in already difficult conditions in an even more tough situation.
Climate justice is a term and a social movement that emphasises the ethical and legal issues related to climate change – it has direct consequences for human health, livelihoods and prospects. Who is responsible for this and will bear the cost when those with the lowest climate footprint suffer the most? For example, if the average Estonian has a carbon footprint of 18,600 kg CO2 equivalent per year, then the average carbon footprint of a Kenyan is only 400 kg.
Mondo approaches climate change in many ways – raising awareness among the Estonian population, supporting communities affected by climate change with development cooperation and humanitarian aid, and striving to reduce our own carbon footprint as an organisation. We can all do something to stem the effects of climate change and help ease the lives of communities already affected by change today. This exhibition is about solutions.
This exhibition is created by Mondo in the project “World Education – Conscious Action for a Fair, Sustainable and Peaceful Society,” supported by ESTDEV – Estonian Centre for International Development Cooperation.