Madlen Hirtentreu Watchdog of breath
“Watchdog of Breath” creates a scene of a post-humanist world where a creature is guarded over by a watchdog who tries to preserve the goodness and spirituality hidden in them in a secret chamber. In this chamber, an innocent being who no longer has a place in the unjust and chaotic world outside, is lulled to sleep. The more cruel the surrounding world becomes, the more important it becomes to value the different levels of life, breathing and spirituality.
The composite creatures created by the artist carry the desire to keep what is still possible to protect from evil. The works encourage us to treat the decaying world and its lost creatures with respect and kindness, and to discover and create modern lullabies.
“Watchdog of Breath” offers an empirical space where ideas and worries about the rapidly changing world are turned into objects.t. The installation opens a last refuge for the deprived and outcasts, where they are supported and cared for in order to breathe and preserve life in its fragility.
Graphic design: Johanna Ruukholm