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Art festival “I Don’t Undestand” - Loomelinnak
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Art festival “I Don’t Undestand”

The annual festival “I Don’t Understand” focuses on one area of ​​art for two days and introduces viewing and understanding to both active art enthusiasts and those who need a small friendly impetus to grow. Together, we practice misunderstanding and misunderstanding, develop visual literacy, and observe individual and societal stigmas, through which we lift one work into the sky and hastily read another as plowing. The focus of the first festival is on street art.

There will be four discussion rounds at the festival. We are talking about visual literacy and comprehension skills in street art and its role in curating public urban space. We will discuss with young people the relationship between illegal and legal art and conduct a heated discussion on “Street Art vs. Graffiti”. In addition, at the festival we take several walks to the sites of street art with both professional and amateur guides. In workshops, street art can be created by children, young people and adults alike. During the festival, several new street art works will be created on the walls of Telliskivi Loomelinnak, and all those interested can submit designs until April 10. The exhibition “Tallinn Old School Graffiti” will also be opened before the festival, which will provide an overview of the first local graffiti works that have survived to a large extent in photographs.

The program in the festival yard is free of charge for the guest. Workshops and walks are pre-registered and require a ticket from the Fienta ticketing system.

Exact program on the website soon!

Outdoor Gallery
Telliskivi Creative City