‘How To Build A Garden Gnome’ is a dance performance by Kadri Sirel that is a fairytale-coated manual, which centres on the human desire to build. To build roads, houses, but also goals and dreams. The protagonists of the story are the bodies, the wood, the object to be built and of course – the mysterious garden gnome. They all live in the same garden, share the same goal, but have different agendas. The negotiations and misunderstandings between them take us on a journey where we can follow the construction of a failure. “How to Build a Garden Gnome” is a travel through an unusual building process that observes how unrealistic expectations in meaningless goals are formed and which mysterious doors are opened when one stubbornly holds on to them.
Author, director, performer: Kadri Sirel
Co-choreographer, performer: Chiara Cenciarini
Artist: Helena Keskküla
Light designer: Karolin Tamm
Sound designer: Endamisi Salamisi
Sound technician: Karl-Elias Teder
Co-production: Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava
Supported by: Eesti Kultuurkapital, Telliskivi Creative City, Viljandi Teatrihoov
Premiere: 15.05.2019 → In the Green hall of Telliskivi Creative City