How to surrender oneself to be moved by someone else?
How to be moved by a thing rather by your own will?
In “Fluids” W A U H A U S creates a state of slipperiness on stage in which the human subject cannot fully control its own body. “Fluids” invites the audience to encounter empathy, intimacy, and failure in these times when individualism, perfectionism, and mistrust prevail in society.
One part strange spectacle on ice, one part slimy orgy. In “Fluids” the bodies are vulnerable, limited, and dissolve into each other.
Authors-directors: Anni Klein, Jarkko Partanen
Performers: Joanna Kalm, Keithy Kuuspu, Karolin Poska, Sigrid Savi, Joonas Tagel
Sound designer: Heidi Soidinsalo
Scenographer and light designer: Samuli Laine
Production: Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava, W A U H A U S
Producers: Evelyn Raudsepp (STL), Julia Hovi (W A U H A U S)
Supported by: Estonian Cultural Endowment, Arts Promotion Center Finland, Theater Info Finland
Photos: Samuli Laine
Premiere on 3rd of May 2018 at Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava
Duration: 50′