LIFTOff: Martin Salo, CPO and Founder of Realeyes
How to create more smiles in the world? Come and find out!
Martin – the CPO and founder at Realeyes Data Services, will take you through his startup journey and how he made it to where he is today (realeyes just raised over 11 million USD!) at Lift99.
Using computer vision and machine learning, realeyes measures how people feel as they view content online through their webcam.
Did you know that all of the ads from Super Bowl 2019 were ranked by effectiveness using realeyes face-reading AI?
If you are interested in design, AI and product management – join us for LIFTOFF. Hints on some of the topics that will be covered – how can we measure people and how they respond to things? What is the impact of design on human behaviour?
LIFTOFF is LIFT99co’s flagship event series, inspiring (future) founders and startup enthusiasts by bringing to the stage the people who have been through the incredible adversity of building a startup and survived the process. This discussion will be led by Erik Bhullar.
Tickets: 5 EUR – includes snacks and drinks.