Public lecture by photographer Sanni Seppo (FIN)
Public lecture by photographer Sanni Seppo (FIN) on the role and responsibility of documentary photography in the contemporary society, describing the potential of photo stories to reveal the burning issues and act as a catalyst of change.
SANNI SEPPO is a renowned Finnish photographer and artist. She uses photography as a tool to put forward socially relevant topics. While having strong images, Sanni also recognizes the crucial role of texts. On Sanni’s pictures we see people from different countries and diverse cultural backgrounds making a difference in societies they live, both with their lifestyle and their action, having an impact on values and bringing about change in the vision of happiness.
With her encounters with other people and cultural traditions, Seppo looks at the interaction between humans and nature. Sanni Seppo is one of the founders and artistic director of Helsinki Festival of Political Photography.
The lecture is in English
Ticket: 10 EUR (includes the exhibition visit)
See also a side event: Personal Photography Portfolio Review by SANNI SEPPO