Erik Johansson “Places Beyond”
Erik Johansson is a beloved artist and rising star in photography that, with equal amounts technical skill, curiosity, and boundless imagination, manages to conjure up worlds that at first feel familiar to us, until we realise that they are not familiar at all.
Managing to create places that challenge both reality and your imagination – that is what artist and photographer Erik Johansson does. His skilfully composed, surrealistic photographs invite the viewer to an exciting journey. One where each detail is carved out to take you beyond reality, to the stories of the surreal reality. The stories that, among other things, are meant to make you reflect on what we are doing to the planet.
Apart from his photographic talent, also has been granted mathematical abilities is evident. To be able to create illusions that so convincingly trick the eye, extremely careful preparations are needed, both when it comes to perspective and to the physical properties of the objects. He has to calculate distances and perspective precisely to make the combining of different environments feel realistic. Light and focal length also plays an important role.